Marketing | Business

Email newsletters – hot or not?

Luminary Labs’ 2021 survey delivers the most popular email newsletters across 21 categories This article is the cliff note version of “Crowdsourced newsletter recommendations: an updated list of 200+ must-read email”

Email newsletters can be underrated by marketers and consumer alike. The new, shiny object in social media seems to get all the publicity. And even if you aren’t marketing your brand with the shiny penny, someone in leadership will certainly ask you…”why aren’t we on XYZ social media channel?” These other platforms may come and go, but email seems to ride the wave and endure. What people don’t realize is that there is a time, place and good use for email. It’s particularly useful to keep up to date on trends and offers a reliable method for information distribution. For publishers and brands, it also serves as way to curate customer lists and users, and ultimately communities.

“Email newsletters have an opportunity to fill the professional education and conference gap. “

Prior to 2020, in-person conferences and events would make the top ten list of how professionals keep informed, network and build skillsets to scale their business. With Covid that’s changed. Professionals are on Zoom calls and Microsoft Teams. All. Day. Long. Sigh… the thought of getting on yet another video call is depressing and hurts my eyes. It’s like sitting in front of the television but with content that’s just not as fun or entertaining when you are exhausted. This problem *ahem* opportunity is perfect for email.

Recently Luminary Labs surveyed Lab Report readers and their extended network to ask about their favorite email newsletters. These range from business to culture and commentary. Check out this list below. It might just inspire you to create your own!

News and politics

Business, finance, and economics

Leadership, management, and self-improvement

Organizational culture and future of work

Startups and VCs

Industry and consumer trends

Marketing and media


Healthcare and health tech

Space and science

Data science and data journalism

Futurism and emerging technology

Cities and transportation

Policy and civic tech

Social impact

Food and agriculture


Arts and creative communities

Culture and commentary

Personal musings and link-letters

Unapologetically NYC